Maximizing the Benefits of Leveraging Public Domain Content

As a marketer, you know that having great content is key to attracting prospective customers and engaging current customers. But where do you get all of that content? Sure, you could hire a couple of writers, or manage the creation of content yourself, but that isn’t time or cost efficient for larger companies. That’s why leveraging public domain content is becoming a more popular option for content curation versus traditional methods.

What is Public Domain Content?

Public domain content is any material, including written works, artwork, photos, and videos, for which the copyright has expired, has been forfeited, or was never applicable in the first place. Essentially, it’s material that anyone can use and repurpose however they please without fear of copyright infringement.

Getting the Most Out of Public Domain Content

If you’re looking to get the most value out of public domain content, there are a few tricks you can employ. To start, curate and aggregate content that’s relevant to your brand. Your audience is your most valuable asset and they won’t stay engaged if you don’t give them content that matters to them. Take the time to establish what your audience is interested in and curate content that speaks to that.

Make It Original

One of the biggest mistakes marketers can make when utilizing public domain content is not reworking it to make it somewhat more original. You still won’t own the intellectual rights to the content, but you can make it somewhat geared toward your brand and give more value to your audience by citing the original source and providing more information that wasn’t in the original work.

Ensure All Credentials are Properly Cited

Accurately citing the sources of public domain content is key to protecting against copyright infringement. Always provide proper credit to the appropriate author or creator whenever you use public domain content. Doing otherwise may open you up to potential legal action, so make sure all attributions are accurate and up to date.

Save Time and Money by Leveraging Public Domain Content

Not all content needs to be completely original. By leveraging public domain content, you can save time and money while still providing your audience with valuable, engaging content. Additionally, you can still practice some creativity by rewriting and curating content to make it original and unique. Don’t let the fear of copyright infringement keep you from utilizing public domain content; Just make sure you follow best practices and have all credentials properly cited.

Interested in Learning more?

If you’re looking to learn more about leveraging public domain content, Ask Grayson is here to help. Subscribe to our blog for more tips, tricks, and insights on content curation and digital marketing. Subscribe now!