As an internet marketer or affiliate marketer, having control over your links is an important part of success. PrettyLinks provides a powerful, yet simple solution for managing a wide range of affiliate links on WordPress.
Prettylinks does all the work
PrettyLinks automatically creates redirects for long, complex URLs and replaces them with shorter, more memorable ones, making it easier for visitors to access the correct page. This means that you maintain full control over the URL structure of your website, while also preventing any potential confusion and lost customers. In addition to URL shortening, PrettyLinks offers detailed link tracking and analytics. It will track clicks, unique clicks, referrers, and other user-level events, so you can see exactly how each link is performing. This makes it much easier to identify which links are working and which ones aren’t so you can adjust your marketing strategies accordingly.
PrettyLinks also allows you to easily cloak your affiliate links. This is vital, as most large and respected affiliate networks will not allow their partners to promote “naked” affiliate links. Essentially, cloaking removes the ugly parameters from the URL and replaces them with the domain name, giving you a more professional look.
Lastly, PrettyLinks allows you to easily manage hundreds of links. It features a clean, easy to use dashboard where you can categorize your links, track and analyze their performance, and even generate QR codes to use in offline promotions. This makes it much easier to optimize your link strategy and grow your affiliate sales.
Overall, PrettyLinks is an excellent choice to help track and manage your affiliate links on WordPress. It’s a great way to gain control over your links, optimize your URL structure, increase your profits, and make sure you are in compliance with the affiliate networks you work with.