As the cost of everyday items continues to climb, few products have seen their prices jump as drastically as eggs. Due to bird disease outbreaks, increased demand, and the recent global pandemic, egg prices have shot up— leaving many homesteaders wondering how to keep their grocery bills in check.
Luckily, there is one solution that’s becoming more popular than ever: raising your own backyard chickens.
Benefits of Raising Your Own Chickens
Not only is raising your own chickens an excellent way to reduce your grocery bill, but it’s also an experience that’s beneficial for the whole family. For homesteaders, a backyard flock provides fresh, delicious eggs, entertaining animals, and an age-old practice that’s been passed down from generations.
Getting Started with Chickens
Starting your own flock may seem intimidating, but don’t worry – it’s easier than you think. Here’s how to get started:
- Create a Safe, Cozy Home: A chicken coop is an essential part of getting your flock off to a great start. Make sure you choose one that’s roomy, well-ventilated, and predator safe, then add some fluff to make it cozy.
- Choose the Right Breed: Different breeds produce different qualities of eggs, so do your research and select the breed that’s right for you. Also consider behaviors and personalities, as some breeds are friendlier than others. Barnyard breed is a popular choice on Amazon
- Prepare for Incubation: If you plan to hatch your own eggs, you’ll need to get an incubator. Research and choose a reputable model, then plan ahead for space, maintenance, and electricity needs.
- Provide the Right Feed: There are many types of feed available, and the type you choose depends on the age of your birds and the quality of egg you want. When in doubt, consult with your local feed store.
- Monitor for Health: Keep a lookout for any signs of illness, as chicken health can impact production and lifespan. Be prepared to intervene with medications if necessary.
Make Eggs Affordable Again – Begin Raising Your Own
Raising your own chickens is a great way to save money, practice a rewarding hobby, and bring your family closer together.
If you’re concerned about rising egg costs, don’t be – there’s a way to make eggs affordable again, and it starts with raising your own chickens. From feed to flock care, with a little trial and error, you’ll soon be enjoying delicious eggs from your own backyard. Buy 6 ferticle chickens on amazon and say goodbye to expensive groceries and hello to a rewarding, money-saving hobby.